Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's becoming a Thanksgiving tradition in my house to get up and run the local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning - If two years in a row can qualify as a tradition. My Sweetie and I and one of our three dogs did the 5 mile run through Downtown Austin. The course was nice, fairly scenic, and the crowds were amazing. This is not a run you run for speed, too many people, 12,000 to be exact, this is a run you do for fun. And it was was fun.

I'll cook today. Only for three, but I'll cook. I am a vegetarian and haven't eaten meat in over 20 years, but I'm cooking for two carnivores, who kind of want some tradition. So I bought the free range, organic, and locally farmed turkey and I'll see what I can come up with. It's good to try new things.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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